Congratulations to Billie Pruitt NCHSA Parent of the Year 2011 - 2012
It is with great pleasure and an honor for the Blue Ridge Opportunity Commission (BROC) Head Start Program to announce that Ms. Billie Pruitt was declared as the winner of the 2012 North Carolina Head Start Association Parent of the Year! Ms. Pruitt was awarded this great honor at the 42nd Annual North Carolina Head Start Association (NCHSA) Training Conference at the Awards Banquet on March 15, 2012. Applicants were required to submit an application along with responses to many questions pertaining to their experience with the local Head Start program. To qualify for the Parent of the Year for the local program, she had more volunteer hours than any other parent in the tri-county area of Alleghany, Ashe and Wilkes. Ms. Pruitt then competed with other parents from over fifty other Head Start programs throughout the entire state and was chosen as winner due to her essay responses and her devotion to Head Start. Ms. Pruitt was awarded with a trophy and a check for $1000 at the NCHSA Awards Banquet. Over the past two years, Ms. Pruitt has been very involved with the North Wilkesboro Head Start center where she volunteers her services helping in the classroom, kitchen and other areas as needed. Billie has met the requirements through the NC Division of Child Development and Early Education (NCDEE) to substitute in the classroom setting. In addition to her regular volunteer services, Billie serves as an officer for the North Wilkesboro Head Start Parent Committee, Chairperson for the BROC Head Start Policy Council, and Secretary for the BROC Board of Directors.