Community Services Block Grant (CSBG)

 High Country United Way


   Wilkes County

The Community Services Block Grant Program (CSBG) administered under the  North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services/Office of Economic Opportunity helps to address, reduce and eliminate the conditions of poverty.

The CSBG program serves Alleghany, Ashe and Wilkes Counties to provide a range of services designed to assist low-income people to attain the skills, knowledge, and motivation necessary to achieve self-sufficiency.

Low-income participants are assisted with employment, education, better use of available income, housing, emergency assistance, community involvement, and more effective use of other resources.

CSBG reaches out to the community by providing a range of services and activities having a measurable and potentially major impact on the cause of poverty in the community or areas of the community where poverty is a particular problem.

The Six National goals of Community Services Block Grant (CSBG)

Six national goals of the Results-Oriented Management and Accountability (ROMA) system summarize the objectives of CSBG Program. These goals for the community action agency respect the diversity of the network and provide clear expectations of results.

  • Goal 1: Low-income people become more self-sufficient
  • Goal 2. The conditions in which low-income people live are improved
  • Goal 3: Low-income people own a stake in their community
  • Goal 4: Partnerships among supporters and providers of services to low-income people are achieved.
  • Goal 5: Agencies increase their capacity to achieve results.
  • Goal 6: Low-income people, especially vulnerable populations, achieve their potential by strengthening family and other supportive systems.

The CSBG Program serves low-income residents by providing two programs (Emergency Assistance and Family Self-Sufficiency), to assist eligible families and individuals: