How Can You Help?

 High Country United Way


   Wilkes County

The proceeds from local fundraising events provide financial assistance for emergency rental assistance, emergency electric assistance, food, and emergency heating fuel. The agency depends on fund raising events, faith-based organizations, businesses and individual donations to meet the needs for low-income citizens in our communities.

You Can Help Wilkes County by Calling (336) 667-7174

  • Businesses donations for crisis needs
  • Donate for crisis needs
  • Stocking the food pantry shelves
  • Sort and work in the yard sale room.
  • Donate items for yardsale
  • Assistance at Chicken Q’s
  • Feed the Hungry (Civic groups, schools, clubs, businesses, churches, friends or individuals do a food drive)
  • Help raise funds to be used for emergency assistance, and low income projects
  • Volunteer for Yard Sales throughout the year.

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