Emergency Assistance
highcountry united way

Partner Agency of United Way

Wilkes County


Emergency Assistance:

This program is designed to assist low-income families, elderly and dislocated workers living below the current federal poverty guidelines in emergency situations by providing emergency financial assistance.

Services include rental assistance to avoid eviction, utility assistance to avoid disconnection, heating fuel in the winter months, and crisis food assistance.

The Agency also provides prescription assistance through the United Way of Wilkes County. Clients covered by Insurance or Medicaid are not eligible for prescription assistance.

The community-wide Needs Assessment helps community services workers determine a family’s needs, goals, and eligibility for services.

Eligibility for all programs is based upon the current US Health and Human Services Division of Social Services,  Federal Poverty Guidelines.

Case Managers will complete an application to determine the assistance needed and what funds is available to prevent disconnection of power, stop eviction and provide prescription assistance and food.

Financial assistance is provided by local faith-based organization, United Way, Duke Energy grants, Foundation grants, individuals, local businesses, Emergency Food Shelter Program, Phase 41 and Wilkes Community Action Committe (a supported arm of BROC)

Food is provided through Second Harvest Food Bank of NC, Postal food drives, Boy Scoutsof America, faith-based origanization, Health Foundation grant and Business and Individual donations.

For more information concerning Emergency Assistance and Family Self-Sufficiency Programs provided by Blue Ridge Opportunity Commission, Inc (BROC) please call:

Wilkes County

CSBG/Case Manager  (336) 667-7174

Office hours are Monday – Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm


Ashe County

CSBG Director/Case Manager (336)384-4543

Office hours are Monday – Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm


Alleghany County

CSBG/Case Manager (336) 372-7284

Office hours are Monday – Wednesday, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm



[Community Services Block Grant (CSBG)] [Emergency Assistance] [Family Self-Sufficiency Project]